organizations are in need of Human Resources (HR) in its activities, if the resource is not working properly or not in accordance with the expectation there will be a failure. Further objectives of the organization will ...
This research study conducts to analyze the influence of compensations (i.e., financial and non financial compensations) and job characteristics (i.e., skill variety, job identity, job significance, autonomy, and job ...
The purposes of this study are to measure the reliability of the Indonesian-translated VARK questionnaire, to investigate students' dominant learning styles, to find out whether students' learning styles are different based ...
Research purpose to know the local financial development and financial independence Bengkayang district. The study uses descriptive and verification method on data that are time series. The results illustrate that APBD ...
Research on the economic conditions of post conversion into fishponds and mangrove forests in the District Pangkajene Islands (Pangkep) South Sulawesi Province was held in the District Mandalle, Segeri and Labakkang from ...
Indonesia memiliki banyak sumber daya alam berupa keindahan alam flora dan fauna serta ekosistemnya salah satunya adalah kawasan taman wisata alam Pantai Sinka Island Park di Kota Singkawang Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ...