Concrete is a construction material that is widely used in various building structural elements
such as columns, beams, slabs, and so on. High compressive strength, stiffness, and low
electrical conductivity are characteristics of concrete, so that concrete is widely used in the
design of structural elements. The use of additives in concrete technology has long been
developed. Concrete has a flexural strength of 8% - 15% of compressive strength. Some effort
is required to increase the flexural strength. One way is to add additional materials, namely
Slang Waste or Steel Slag. The purpose of this study was to find out how the effect of adding
steel slag waste as a concrete mixture material to increase the physical strength of buildings.
Experimental method founded on previous research is utilized. The test object is a cylinder
with a 15 cm diameter and a 30 cm height. Normal variations in the amount of steel slag refuse
added to sand range between 20 and 50 percent by weight. Normal concrete testing revealed
that the maximum addition of 20% concrete compressive strength was 22.63 Mpa, while the
highest addition of 50% concrete strength was 20.28 Mpa, compared to 20.27 Mpa for normal
concrete. Steel Slag Waste, Compressive Strength, and Concrete are key terms. This indicates
that the addition of steel slag waste will increase the flexural strength of concrete, thereby
increasing the building's physical durability.