This prototype will be designed in a simple way but can provide information to the surrounding community about
the water level with signals in the form of lights and alarm sounds, easy to use and can be installed in areas that
are very prone to flooding. This prototype is equipped with ultrasonic multi sensors, namely ambient temperature
and humidity sensors by HDT11, and HC-SR04 sensor for water level sensors, flood alert sensors. In addition,
this prototype also has an OLED screen so that water level information can be directly seen on the screen. The
ultrasonic sensor emits sound waves and waits for the return wave travel time, calculating the water height in cm.
The reading of the temperature and humidity values by the DHT11 sensor, writing the height of the puddle on the
OLED screen, checking the condition if the water exceeds a certain height, the buzzer (alarm) sounds and the
warning LED light will light up.