Laila Mayaya Park, located in Tanjung Porox, is one of the tourist destinations in Pulau Lemukutan
Village, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Compared to other destinations that have
already developed, Laila Mayaya Park can be said to be still minimal in terms of the number of
visitors who come, because this location is still included as a new category as a tourist destination.
The objectives of this service are as follows: 1). Applying knowledge about digital marketing, 2).
Conduct brief counseling and training on digital marketing content creation, and 3). Conducting
Focus Group Discussions (FGD) between the two parties, the implementers and the target
community. This service is expected to be able to: 1). increase the number of visitors (tourists) so
that it will improve financial performance for Laila Mayaya Park, 2). increase knowledge and
insight for tourism destination management who can help thinking skills to create attractive digital
marketing content for potential visitors, and 3). provide solutions to the constraints of developing
tourist destinations for the Laila Mayaya in Tanjung Porox. With the existing knowledge and skills
of digital marketing, it is hoped that the main goal of this service is to increase the number of