The handling is done by using the concept of settlement that offers live in harmony with water , as has traditionally been done in a sensible , which includes the safety and cormfort of staying in the water, as well as form of treatment which provides flexibility in the face of rising water levels. This concept also explores the reuse of local building materials, especially bamboo as a primary building material for the construction of houses on the far bank of the river is dominated by the use of timber purchases. The purpose and benefits of the research to get the concept of local materials selection for the house by the river. The method used is to undergo a research laboratory for testing and concrete testing bamboo as reinforcement banmboo. The results from this test that the physical properties of barnboo smear examined included air-dry moisture content, specific gravity, density, width shrinkage and thickness shrinkage. The average value of the water content of air dried bamboo smear ranged from 7% to 10.33%. For specific gravity mean values ranged from 0.62 to 0.63. Densisty values ranged from 0.86 to 0.94 while the shrinkage in width and thickness betveen 8.32% to 17.8% and 3.18 to 4.68% .