Browsing by Subject "workload analysis"

DSpace/Manakin Repository

Browsing by Subject "workload analysis"

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  • Abdullah; Syabanita Elida, Sri; Herdiansyah, Dedi; Sayuti, A. Jalaludin; Ririanti, Titania (2023-04-15)
    This study aims to determine the results of workload analysis of employees at the Regional Development Planning Agency of Pontianak. The research method used in this study is a descriptive research method with a quantitative ...
  • Abdullah; Syabanita Elida, Sri; Herdiansyah, Dedi; Sayuti, A. Jalaludin; Ririanti, Titania (2023-05-12)
    This study aims to determine the results of workload analysis of employees at the Regional Development Planning Agency of Pontianak. The research method used in this study is a descriptive research method with a quantitative ...



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