Browsing by Subject "fish"

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Browsing by Subject "fish"

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  • Purnamawati; Eko Dewantoro; M. Idham Shirman; Farid Mudhlofar (2014-06)
    Aquaculture system in combination tarp has some advantages such as stocking density can be increased, higher survival rate, growth impovement, and harvest fishes don't smell of mud. Targets and outcomes that will be achieved ...
  • Purnamawati; Dewantoro, Eko; Shilman, Mohammad Idham; Mudlofar, Farid (2019-02-08)
    Aquaculture system in combination tarp has some advantages such as stocking density can be increased, higher survival rate , growth improvement, and harvest fishes dont smell of mud. Targets and outcomes that will be ...



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